Delivery time & cost
Standard (5-7 days)

You can find in the table below the countries and shipping rate for each one:

Country Up to 6 products Over 6 products
Italy € 10.00 € 15.00
Austria (AT), Belgium (BE), Bulgaria (BG), Cyprus (CY), Croatia (HR), Denmark (DK), Estonia (EE), Finland (FI), France (FR), Germany (DE), Greece (GR), Ireland (IE), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Luxembourg (LU), Malta (MT), Holland (NL), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), Principality of Monaco (MC ), Slovakia (SK), Slovenia (SI), Spain (ES), Sweden (SE), Czech Republic (CZ), Romania (RO), Hungary (HU) € 25.00 € 50.00
United Kingdom (GB) € 35.00 € 55.00
Albania (AL), Andorra (AD), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Canada (CA), Gibraltar (GI), Guernsey (GG), Iceland (IS), Canary Islands (IC), Faroe Islands (FO), Jersey (JE), Kosovo (KV), Liechtenstein (LI), North Macedonia (MK), Montenegro (ME), Norway (NO), Serbia (RS), United States (US), Switzerland (CH), Turkey (TR) € 45.00 € 65.00
Bahrain (BH), China (CN), South Korea (KR), , United Arab Emirates (AE), Philippines (PH), Japan (JP), Hong Kong SAR China (HK), India (IN), Indonesia ( ID), Israel (IL), Kuwait (KW), Malaysia (MY), Mexico (MX), Singapore (SG) € 60.00 € 90.00
American Samoa (AS), Anguilla (AI), Antigua (AG), Chile (CL), Saudi Arabia (SA), Argentina (AR), Aruba (AW), Australia (AU), Bahamas (BS), Bangladesh (BD ), Barbados (BB), Belize (BZ), Bermuda (BM), Bolivia (BO), Bonaire (XB), Brazil (BR), Colombia (CO), Brunei (BN), Cambodia (KH), Chile (CL ), Colombia (CO), Costa Rica (CR), Cuba (CU), Curaçao (XC), Dominica (DM), Ecuador (EC), Egypt (EG), El Salvador (SV), Fiji (FJ), Jamaica (JM), Grenada (GD), Guadeloupe (GP), Guam (GU), Guatemala (GT), Guyana (GY), French Guiana (GF), Haiti (HT), Honduras (HN), Cayman Islands (KY) , US Virgin Islands (VI), British Virgin Islands (VG), Laos (LA), Macao (MO), Maldives (MV), Martinique (MQ), Micronesia (FM), Montserrat (MS), Myanmar (Formerly Burma) (MM), Nevis (XN), Nicaragua (NI), New Caledonia (NC), New Zealand (NZ), Oman (OM), Pakistan (PK), Palau (PW), Panama (PA), Papua New Guinea ( PG), Paraguay (PY), Peru (PE), French Polynesia (PF), Puerto Rico (PR), Qatar (QA), Dominican Republic (DO), Saint Eustatius (XE), Saint Kitts (KN), Saint Vincent (VC), Saint-Barthélemy (XY), Saint-Martin (Dutch Part) (XM), Samoa (WS), Saint Lucia (LC), Sri Lanka (LK), South Africa (ZA), Suriname (SR), Taiwan (TW), Thailand (TH), East Timor (TL), Trinidad and Tobago (TT), Ukraine (UA), Uruguay (UY), Venezuela (VE), Vietnam (VN) € 70.00 € 95.00
Afghanistan (AF), Algeria (DZ), Angola (AO), Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Benin (BJ), Bhutan (BT), Belarus (BY), Botswana (BW), Burkina Faso (BF) , Burundi (BI), Cameroon (CM), Cape Verde (CV), Ivory Coast (CI), Chad (TD), Comoros (KM), North Korea (KP), Eritrea (ER), Ethiopia (ET), Gabon (GA), Gambia (GM), Georgia (GE), Ghana (GH), Djibouti (DJ), Jordan (JO), Greenland (GL), Guinea (GN), Equatorial Guinea (GQ), Guinea-Bissau (GW), Iran (IR), Iraq (IQ), Cook Islands (CK), Falkland Islands (FK), Northern Mariana Islands (MP), Marshall Islands (MH), Solomon Islands (SB), Kazakhstan (KZ), Kenya (KE), Kyrgyzstan (KG), Kiribati (KI), Lesotho (LS), Lebanon (LB), Liberia (LR), Libya (LY), Madagascar (MG), Malawi (MW), Mali (ML), Morocco (MA), Mauritania (MR), Mauritius (MU), Mayotte (YT), Moldova (MD), Mongolia (MN), Mozambique (MZ), Namibia (NA), Nauru (NR), Nepal (NP), Niger (NE), Nigeria (NG), Niue (NU), Democratic Rep. of Congo (CD), Central African Republic (CF), Republic of Congo (CG), Rwanda (RW ), Russia (RU), Réunion (RE), Saint Helena (SH), Senegal (SN), Seychelles (SC) , Sierra Leone (SL), Syria (SY), Somalia (SO), Somaliland (XS), South Sudan (SS), Sudan (SD), Swaziland (SZ), São Tomé and Príncipe (ST), Tajikistan (TJ), Tanzania (TZ), Togo (TG), Tonga (TO), Tunisia (TN), Turks and Caicos Islands (TC), Tuvalu (TV), Uganda (UG), Uzbekistan (UZ), Vanuatu (VU), Yemen (YE), Zambia (ZM), Zimbabwe (ZW) € 90.00 € 140.00

Orders are shipped on business days only.
Business days are Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays in Italy.   


Order and delivery status
Once you have placed your order online, please allow 1-2 business days for us to process your order and prepare it from our distribution center. Once it is shipped you will receive an email with a link to track your order. 


Duties & Taxes
If you are shipping to Europe all relevant import taxes and duties will be included in the product price. Elsewhere duties and taxes will be applied depending on the destination country’s rules and regulations.